Joanne Guillard Joanne Guillard

Human Food Dogs Can and Can’t Eat

As a dog owner, you should know which food is healthy or which food is dangerous for your dog. Some human food is not always dog-friendly. Some food can cause serious health threats to your dog, like vomiting, diarrhea, kidney problems, and seizures. Dogs have a different metabolism from us humans.

While some food can be introduced to your dog just fine, some may be to toxic.

Be mindful of your dog's behavior after eating. Food should be given in moderation, along with quality dog food.

Note: Do your own research if you’re not sure, and consult your vet.

Healthy for Dogs


Carrots are a great source of vitamin A. Carrots promote good dental health and are a great boost to their immune system.


Apples provide vitamins A and C, and fiber.


Plain-cooked chicken is healthy food for your dog. Chicken is a great source of protein. Chicken should be removed from the bone. According to giving your dog raw chicken can cause salmonella poisoning. 


Bananas provide magnesium which is good for bone health. Bananas should be given as an occasional treat.


Watermelons are safe for dogs to eat, remove the seeds. Seeds can cause digestive problems in dogs. Watermelons are loaded with nutrients and low in calories.

Toxic to Dogs


Dogs should never eat chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine and methylxanthines which are toxic to dogs. If chocolate is given to dogs, it can cause vomiting, seizures, muscle tremors, and death.


Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs, causing vomiting, muscle weakness, and hyperthermia. Many other nuts can cause dogs to choke.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs. It can cause kidney failure and death.


Onions contain organosulfides causing anemia in dogs. Onions also contain N-propyl disulfide, which is also toxic to dogs. 


Avocados contain persin, it’s toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting and diarrhea, also breathing difficulties, and death.

As you can see some human food is healthy and some can be deadly for dogs. Remember to limit the amount of human food you give to your dog. Always consult a veterinarian when introducing your dog to new food. If you suspect your dog has taken/eaten potentially harmful food call a veterinarian or Animal Poison Control Center.

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Joanne Guillard Joanne Guillard

20+ Fun Facts About Dogs

There are hundreds of dog breeds and mix breeds in the world. Each dog has his own unique set of characteristics and personality.

Check out some of these interesting and fun facts about dogs.

Some dogs sniff out medical problems

Some dogs are incredible swimmers

Their nose and hearing are super sensitive

Newfoundlands are amazing lifeguards

A Greyhound could beat a Cheetah in a long-distance race

30% of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear

The Saluki is the oldest dog breed

Puppies are born blind and deaf

Dogs get jealous

Petting dogs can lower your blood pressure

Dogs have a sense of time

The oldest dog lived to be 29, Australian cattle-dog named Bluey

Chocolate can be fatal

Basenjis are the only “barkless” dog in the world

Lassie was the first animal in the Animal Hall of Fame, in 1969

Dogs are direct descendants of wolves

Dogs dream like people

At about six inches, the Chihuahua is the shortest breed.

The heaviest breed, the Mastiff, weighs about 200 pounds.

Irish Wolfhounds, the tallest breed, are 30 to 35 inches tall.

Bonus Facts

Service dogs pee and poop on command and knows when they’re on or off duty. (Mental Floss)

Dogs have 18 muscles controlling their ears, cats have 32, and humans have only 6 (DC Metro Vet)

Chihuahuas are born with an incomplete skull just like a human baby (Chihuahua Club of America). The soft spot is known as a molera in dogs and fontanelle in humans.

Did you know tripping over your dog is the second most likely way to get injured around hounds? Bites are the most common. (Washington Post).

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