The 100 Things I Love Most (Self-Reflection)

The 100 Things I Love Most (Self-Reflection)

Written by Joanne Guillard

I saw this activity online and I decided to do my own list of things I love to do or would like to do. It’s a self-reflection activity that gives me a better outlook on life and expresses gratitude.

  1. Meeting new people who inspire me on a deep level (spiritual, emotional, etc.) but most of them don’t realize it.

  2. Learning new things.

  3. Teaching others.

  4. Family and God.

  5. Comfy shoes and clothes (over sized t-shirts/hoodies/sweaters are my favorite).

  6. Dogs (small breeds).

  7. Bear hugs.

  8. Forehead kisses.

  9. Writing.

  10. Photography (portraits, personal projects, street/urban).

  11. The beach at sunrise.

  12. A good laugh.

  13. A long shower after stressing for whatever reason.

  14. A nice cup of hot chocolate or tea anytime of the day.

  15. Nice walk around the city as a tourist or walk around the neighborhood.

  16. Taking my bra off at the end of the day.

  17. Listening to gospel music.

  18. Rediscovering 90s music.

  19. Seeing other people happy and treating each other with respect.

  20. Being alone (but not all the time).

  21. Looking at the stars (even though there’s not that many most of the time) and the moon at night.

  22. Warm weather.

  23. Binge-worthy tv series.

  24. Relaxing with a good movie.

  25. Working with people that are respectful and whom I can learn from.

  26. Motivational speeches.

  27. The innocence of childhood.

  28. Italian food, especially lasagna.

  29. A clean house.

  30. Having enough money.

  31. A good night's sleep.

  32. Art (visual and performing).

  33. Decluttering in general.

  34. Going to the theater.

  35. Giving to the needy/volunteering.

  36. The idea of traveling and actually traveling one day.

  37. Lunch dates/dinner dates.

  38. Reading the bible.

  39. Great customer service.

  40. Random acts of kindness.

  41. Respectful and loyal people.

  42. Having control of things I can control.

  43. Online shopping (mostly buying cameras or books).

  44. Enjoying a funny movie.

  45. Genuinely funny people.

  46. Board games and card games.

  47. Sports (mainly basketball, but haven’t played since grade school).

  48. Bowling (haven’t gone bowling since high school).

  49. Hanging out when genuinely nice people.

  50. Having a conversation with someone that actually listens/hears me.

  51. Green apples.

  52. White/milk chocolate.

  53. Chocolate candy bars (snickers/Twix).

  54. A good handshake.

  55. Being called love (but by the right person).

  56. Being called Joanna.

  57. My natural hair.

  58. The color green and purple.

  59. Tacos.

  60. When good wins over bad.

  61. Meaningful/deep poetry

  62. A real meaningful, respectful, and loyal relationship/friendship.

  63. Road trips (haven’t been hopefully someday).

  64. When someone knows all your secrets and never tells a soul.

  65. Seeing a rainbow after the rain.

  66. Someone who actually respects who I am.

  67. Being called beautiful.

  68. Being called pretty girl.

  69. Holding doors open for strangers.

  70. Saying hi to people I come across.

  71. When someone remembers what I said.

  72. When people pronounce my name right.

  73. When someone holds the door open for me.

  74. When someone responds to texts or a message instantly.

  75. Finding out someone else does the same weird things I do.

  76. Finding out I’m similar to someone else (but I’m too scared to talk to them).

  77. When someone is themselves around me (good or bad, lets me know who is real or fake).

  78. People that are encouraging and inspiring.

  79. When someone actually makes time for me.

  80. Burgers and fries.

  81. Countryside.

  82. Praying for other people.

  83. Raining days and raining nights (when I’m at home).

  84. Unique/weird personalities.

  85. Honesty.

  86. Private and meaningful conversation with the right person.

  87. Finally finishing a project I worked hard on.

  88. A good workout.

  89. Quiet time (Having me-time clears my head and recharges me from the draining effects of the outside world).

  90. Someone who knows me understands me and is not judgmental.

  91. Daydreaming.

  92. Dreamers.

  93. When the younger generation respects the older generation.

  94. How my legs are shaped.

  95. Talking to myself (in my head).

  96. Eating out at restaurants.

  97. Window shopping.

  98. Being close to the right person.

  99. Getting to know new people.

  100. Knowing that Jesus loves me.

So this is the complete list of the 100 things I love most. If you are feeling inspired try doing your own list. Spend some quiet time getting to know or reflect on yourself.


If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me by buying me a coffee or checking out my author page on Amazon. Also, check me out on YouTube, Instagram, Apple Music, and Spotify.


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